Christopher Rollason
Christopher Rollason
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This improved version of my YATRA site was launched at this address on 31 August 2009. The migration was made necessary by Yahoo's decision to close, as of October 2009, its Geocities facility, under which Yatra was previously hosted at: www.geocities.com/christopherrollason. I hope you will enjoy visiting YATRA!
YATRA is a Sanskrit word for a spiritual journey. This site collects some material from my own personal journey in the realm of ideas. You will find the full texts (pdf/htm/doc) of many of my writings on literature, language and more (+ bibliographies, translations, etc). Among my main interests are: Indian Writing in English, Spanish/Portuguese/Latin American writing, literature and cyberspace, Edgar Allan Poe, Walter Benjamin, Bob Dylan, and general language and translation issues. Some texts on this site are in Spanish, Italian or Portuguese (a few are available only in Spanish and Portuguese - no English versions, sorry).
Site last updated: 24 January 2022.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) code:
Recent or new on the site
- in Articles 3, Link to my book of 2021, 'Read Books, Repeat Quotations: The Literary Bob Dylan'
in Articles 3: Paper from Bob Dylan conference, Tulsa 2019 - Dylan the writer at work
This site was hosted between mid-2006 and mid-2009 with the now defunct Geocities server. It was migrated over the summer of 2009, and has the look it now has thanks to the first-class work of Ismael Ochoa Pelayo (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico), whose invaluable contribution as site designer I hereby salute.
Citation Guidelines
Visitors to this site may wish to cite one or more of my articles available on or through it. If so, please note the following:
1) In all cases the version of an article available either directly on this site or, through a link, on another site is the MOST RECENT one of the text concerned. I may have updated and corrected it from older versions which may exist elsewhere on-line or in print. Please, therefore, take all quotations from the LATEST version.
2) I suggest that in any bibliography to any article of your own, you cite the version of my text available on this site (if it is a pdf you can use the page references from that format), while ALSO, if possible, citing any print version. Full details of the print and internet history of all my articles, including multiple and translated versions, can be found in the regularly updated Bibliography on this site. The structure for urls on this site (replace TITLE by the real filename in each case) is: http://www.yatrarollason.info/files/TITLE.pdf. If you cite a text of mine and need a publication date, please consult the bibliography.
3) If you have any problems regarding citations (version, date ...), please email me at rollason54@gmail.com. I PROMISE TO REPLY.
4) Should you notice an error of fact or serious typo in any of my writings, PLEASE ADVISE ME and if I agree I will correct the definitive version, i.e. the one hosted on or linked to from this site.
My aim is to keep all links on this site up-to-date. There is a partial exception for the .pdf bibliography file, where if a link is broken it is because I have kept it for the publication record (however, if there is a live link to a given text the biblio-entry will include it). Otherwise, if you find a broken link *please report it*, and I will either update or remove it.
Copyright Christopher Rollason, Designed by Ismael Ochoa Pelayo